It’s been a long time since we last updated the site and although our interests have changed slightly (originally Kill Team, now including Age of Sigmar and Epic Armageddon), our main goal has not. Now that the global plague has finally settled down we are looking to start making content again. For the moment this may only be commentary on releases and game updates, but down the track we hope to start making videos again with new Battle Reports and Faction Overviews for the games that we are playing.
For those wondering about the change to the site. The old site ran on a custom engine that I was writing at the time, but after a while wasn’t able to find the time to keep developing it, so I’ve opted to just run the site on a more well known platform. This will most probably remain as a simple blog based content distrobution platform, but I might develop some tools over time to provide more functionality for the games that we play.